LINGA LONGA MTB Youth Development Squad TERM FEE

From AUD $340.00
  • Duration: 2 Hours (approx.)
  • Location: Southampton, WA
  • Product code: PQGNEN

Each session includes 2 hours of coaching per session on average, depending on daylight hoursThe session price is per participant.

Sessions start at 4pm and we meet at the bike parks skill park. There is an additional fee for shuttles of $5/uplift which we invoice for at the end of term once we know how many we did. Typically, it's somewhere between 3-6 runs per session depending on daylight hours.

On Track has a strong reputation for delivering youth development programs that mentor and develop young riders into great ambassadors for the sport. We do this with regular 'Squad' coaching sessions during the term for 8-18 year olds. The main aim is to have fun… of course. However these are the serious aims behind the fun...

Producing Champions… Not Just Winners

  • Character is more important than results
  • Behaviours outside program have consequences inside the program
  • Humility
  • Risk assessment and management
  • Self management

Preparing Them For Sponsorship... or just Life

To be clear, top level ‘Bike Brand’ sponsorship is rare in WA at this stage... however it’s an aspiration worth aiming for that will make them a better rider, competitor and person. We coach them on how to be a 'good investment' for a business e.g. social media behaviour, attitudes, engaging with the community etc. Our hope is that if they have the drive and the talent, that they will progress onto high performance competition and support.

What's Involved

Before the coaching can start, each student must be registered by their parents or guardian, which includes contact details, permissions etc. A parent or guardian must also sign a waiver for their child. Links for these are below.

We also ask the student to sign a 'Code of Conduct' agreement. Which simply states the expectations of behaviour within the group and on social media, and helps them understand that behaviour outside the squad sessions impacts on their ability to be a good ambassador. Contact us directly to get a copy of the agreement.

Lessons are 2-3 hours long and will focus on one or two skill subjects, depending on what the assessment shows up as being needed, and what races are coming up. The core skill subjects are:

  • Operation Control i.e. braking (foundational skill)
  • Body Position (foundational skill)
  • Scanning and Line Choice (foundational skill)
  • Body movements for Cornering (foundational skill)
  • Managing Pressure i.e. pumping or absorption (foundational skill)

Some of the typical maneuvers or features these can be applied to are:

  • Cornering
  • Jumping
  • Drops
  • Carrying speed
  • Rock gardens
  • Race Craft
  • Lots more... please ask us
For the more advanced riders, we drill down deeper into the foundational skills that play key roles in successfully sending the advanced maneuvers mentioned above. If you are into your racing, our coaches are successful and experienced competitors themselves, so can run the lesson from a racing perspective. We have coached competitive cross country, enduro and downhill riders, who race at a local level right up to national level.

For the intermediate skill level riders, we focus on the foundational skills the bring more stability, control, confidence and therefore more fun, into your riding. We've all been there and know how we'll these techniques work. No matter how experienced you are, it always pays to revisit these foundational skills regularly.

We'll contact you to establish where each rider is at in terms of skill level and what sort of riding they enjoy, which helps us plan the sessions. Feel free to contact us before you book too, so we can have a chat to help you know what it's all about.

What Else Is There To Know?

Mountain biking is all about being out in nature, which also means conditions are impossible to predict and out of our control. If we have to cancel due to unsafe conditions or unfavourable weather, we do our best to reschedule during the term. If we can't do that, or a student misses out on a lesson for any reason, there is a single catch up session available in a weekend at the end of term so that students from the different squads can travel to the session.

Parent contacts will be added to a notification chat group on WhatsApp and Email for their child squad. This is where we send any reminders or notifications for postponement due to weather etc


A waiver MUST be signed by a parent or guardian before the booking date. You can find the online waiver on our website at the bottom of any page, or click on the following link.


A parent or guardian MUST also complete the Registration form, which has permissions, special requirements etc. The link is also on our website at the bottom of any page, or click on the following link.

What To Bring, Minimum:

  • Bike and FULL FACE Helmet... the terrain of these trails demands the use of a full face helmet.

  • MTB specific shoes

  • Water bottle

  • Snacks and water

  • Knee Pads

Highly Recommended To Bring:

  • Gloves

  • Jacket (seasonal)